Bloom's Taxonomy Value Adds to Books
The Teacher Notes & Activity Sheets are now available for the first 6 Word Wings book releases!

All notes and activity sheets are based around Bloom's Taxonomy.
Notes are now available for -
Cattitudes, A Book of Cattiverse - a wide range of cat centred verse, including pieces for dramatic performance - can be downloaded from Cattitudes' page.
Mama's Masquerade - role models, role-play and self-esteem
The Sea Cat Dreams - coping with change, stages of grieving
Rich Man, Poor Man - altruism as opposed to self-centredness
The Dog That Dug, A Story in Five Bites! - Balancing life-style, technology and outdoors activity, pet care
TOOFS - Biting Babies/Toddlers, story including professionally sanctioned coping strategies
All teacher notes are available on request through the Contact form, aside from Cattitudes, which are accessible via a link on the Cattitudes page.