Award-winning Illustrator and book designer, Muza is also a qualified graphic designer.
Muza Ulasowski established Muza Designs Studio in 2007, working from her home studio set in the leafy western suburb of Brookfield in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
In 2010, she was invited to illustrate her first children's picture book and enjoyed it so much, she has been collaborating ever since with Australian and international authors. To date, she has illustrated 10 published children's picture books and is currently illustrating several more which will be published in 2016 and 2017.
Whilst primarily concentrating on creating digital images for children's picture books, Muza also specializes in graphic design, designing book covers and book layouts to print ready stage. She also designs badges, brochures, logos, DL cards, stationery, business cards, booklets, programmes, catalogues, special 'one-off' cards for special events etc.
In her spare time, she enjoys creating pencil and charcoal illustrations, acrylic painting, and photographing wildlife.
One of her recent book collaborations was International Book Award 2016 Winner in the Children's Picture Book Softcover Fiction Category.
Social Media: FaceBook, LinkedIn; Instagram;
Links: Illustrator's Australia; Creative Kids' Tales; Etsy Shop;
Interviews: Meet the Illustrator - Muza Ulasowski
Purple Dragonfly Award Winner, Picture Book for under 5 years
Purple Dragonfly Award WInner, Best illustrations
LiFE Award, Literature for Environment.

Getting Home
BLURB: Baby bear is curious, he goes where Mama said, ‘Don’t!’ He finds himself adrift in a BIG, BIG ocean! Will Mama bear find him before his piece of pack ice melts? The book introduces children to notions of protecting the environment, animal habitats, melting pack ice and global warming. A Word Wings picture book, a story for children in early childhood and lower primary, created as a collaboration between Muza Ulasowski, award-winning illustrator/graphic designer, Australia, and multi-award winning author, J.R.Poulter. Muza designed numbers of book projects for J.R. Poulter.
"When an inquisitive little polar bear investigates the shenanigans of seals and orcas, he finds himself separated from Mama and LOST! This tale tells more than the consequences of disobedience; its underlying message is one of the impact of Global Warming, a very real and sensitive subject necessitating action from everyone who cares about our planet." Adrienne T. O'Connell, teacher, B.A., Grad. Dip. Ed., taught children from indigenous outback to multicultural city classrooms.
"Interesting and educational book, the pictures are wonderful!
Good book to have in school libraries for reference and read aloud, short, sweet and simple, it makes it easy for children to understand the author’s message.
Books like this make learning easy and fun!"
Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan, Readers' Favorite
THEMES: risk taking, obedience, separation trauma, polar bears, Arctic, melting pack ice, endangered species.
INFORMATION SPREAD & links for further reading included.