Word Wings consists of 50+ gifted creatives in 20+ countries, collaborating to create beautiful books for people of all ages under Word Wings/Books &, under Word Wings/for Kids, to entertain children, educate & encourage literacy!
J.R.Poulter heads Word Wings Collaborative, producing teacher notes & activity sheets for all books. She worked as senior reference librarian, senior education officer, lecturer in English expression, editor and in a circus.
Published in Australia, UK and USA, & Europe, she has 30+ children’s & education books with mainstream & digital publishers. Major awards include Children’s Choice, NZ, Top Ten Children’s & YA Books, NZ & Premier’s Recommended Reading List, NSW. More books are coming.
Under J.R.McRae, she creates novels, award-winning literary poetry, short stories & artworks
J.R. loves teaching creativity with words & doing readings. She created a picture book in collaboration with Craig Smith, for a participatory audience at the Lockyer Festival.
under J.R.Poulter and J.R.McRae
“Outstanding author” Helen Chamberlin, Macmillan/Windy Hollow
“Highly original, highly visual writer” Mark McLeod, Hodder Headline/Random House
“J.R. McRae is Australia's Scheherazade. As a creator, she is endlessly inventive and daring.” Dr. Florence Lewis, PhD, English Professor, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Taught Daniel Hand, among others.
"Jennifer Poulter writes wonderful stories and poems that warm the heart and gently challenge the predictable ways a reader looks at people and the world. In my nearly forty years as a librarian, I have rarely come across an author who is as versatile as Jennifer and whose works continue to appeal to both toddler, student and adult. Her themes are timeless. Jennifer's poems and story characters grapple with personal and social issues with which people in the 21st century can readily identify.​" Frances Todd, librarian, bookophile
"J.R. McRae is a master storyteller.” Adrienne T. O'Connell, teacher, B.A., Grad. Dip. Ed., taught children from indigenous classrooms in the outback to multicultural classrooms in the city.
“We love the way Jennifer writes (how could we not?)” Kira Lynn, Kane Miller, USA
"Damn you're good!" John Knight, poet, publisher, Adjunct Associate Professor at QUT; Studied fundamentalism, higher education & cognitive dissonance at University of Queensland
"Jennifer’s' poems were like gems dropped in a pool with ever widening ripples of impact and meaning” Ross Clark, poet musician, introduction at Maleny Readings,
“stunning…transcendental poetry that crosses the lines of everyday life – the ebb and flow of love, loss, politics and desire to create something heady and lasting.” Magdalena Ball of The Compulsive Reader (compulsivereader.com)
"[I] appreciate the quality of her work.” Earl Livings, poet, Editor Divan, January 6, 2010
Featured poet on Australian Children's Poetry site.
AWARDS Under J.R. Poulter and J.R.McRae
LiFE Award, Literature for Environment [for Wildlife Corridor, Getting Home, Where the Ice Goes...]
The Sea Cat Dreams, Award-Winning Finalist, International Book Awards
"Getting Home" Winner, Purple Dragonfly Award - Picture Books 5 and younger
"Getting Home" Winner, Purple Dragonfly Award - Best Illustrations
Free Passage, novel, Readers' Favorite International Book Award Winner
Children's Choice - Top Six Picture Books for 2008, New Zealand
Top Ten Children's/YA Books for 2008, New Zealand Listener, http:// www.listener.co.nz/culture/books/breaking-barriers/
New South Wales Premier's Reading Challenge, Recommended Booklist
”Mending Lucille", won CBCA Crichton Award.
Simone Wood Award, USA - children's book on dance
”Gelati Supreme" was equal 2nd in the Suncorp Children's Literature Award.
”The Stray", YA short Story, in AATE's CBCA Notable Book, anthology, "The Girl Who Married a Fly".
Einbunpin Open Poetry and Haiku Awards [Martin Duwel judge]
Warana Premier's Literary Award - Whilst still an undergraduate, J.R. won one of Australia' then top writing awards for her poetry, judged by Bruce Dawe.