After working as a graphic designer for 12 years, Jodi expanded her creative horizons to include children's book illustration, commercial art and fine art projects. She moved to Abu Dhabi from Melbourne in early 2012 where she studied and completed a Masters of Visual Art with Monash University via distance education whilst teaching illustration and design at Zayed University.
In 2015, Jodi returned to Melbourne Australia where she teaches screen design at SAE Institute and continues to work as a freelance artist and designer.
Jodi has exhibited her work in solo and group exhibitions in Melbourne, Abu Dhabi, Zagreb and London.
Commercial art and illustration site:
Etsy store:
Social Media: Facebook: LinkedIn;
Contact details:
Email: jodi@finndumas.com
Rich Man, Poor Man
BLURB: The homeless man has nothing, not even food. Who will share with him? Those in need are all around us but do we see them or are we too busy looking at what we have & wishing for more?
A narrative verse story for children from 4 to 8 highlighting caring & sharing rather than self-seeking.
Collaboration between Australians Jodi Magi, Illustrator/designer, & J.R.Poulter.
TEACHER NOTES & Activity Sheets available on request via the CONTACT form.
"Rich in storytelling, but richer in its message, this beautiful tale teaches us, firstly, to be grateful for one's lot and to never underestimate the ability to empathise with others and, secondly, the empowering, self-esteem building effect involved both in learning a life altering skill and in teaching/sharing a skill with another. The illustrations add a heartfelt emotional layer to this enduring theme." Adrienne T. O'Connell, B.A., Grad. Dip. Ed., taught children from indigenous outback to multicultural city classrooms.
"J.R. Poulter has written a thought-provoking story in . It is a simple tale with important lessons to be learnt by all ages."
Bianca Thorburn, Teacher Librarian, Masters Education – Teacher Librarian, B. Edu. – Secondary.
A remarkable tale
I believe that many children will think hard and deep about the meaning behind this well told tale, with most of them absorbing the lesson it teaches, going out and making the world a better place by helping those less fortunate.
The graphics were equally mesmerizing, and together create a book which children will cherish and be proud to pass on to their own children.
I fully recommend Rich Man, Poor Man.
[Abridged] Review by Rosie Malezer,
Readers’ Favorite
THEMES: poverty, caring, sharing, homelessness, altruism, taking responsibility, friendship, self-seeking, agriculture, entrepreneurialism, covetousness, rich/poor